Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Daring To Dream

I entered college in 2002 with one goal in mind:  I wanted to learn everything I needed to know in order to open my own business.  Pretty simple right? Wrong!!  College taught me nothing!!!  I have a Bachelors of Science in Fashion Merchandising and 2 Minors: Marketing and International Business Management.  Why, you ask, did I earn a degree in Fashion if I wanted to own a business?  Well, let me tell you.  After searching the class catalogs I discovered that the Fashion Merchandising department at Missouri State had a program of classes designed specifically to teach you what you needed to know in order to own your own business - specifically a retail business.  "Perfect!" I thought!  My dream was to own my own high-end clothing boutique.  So, I declared my major and signed up for my classes.

When it was all said and done I graduated with 153 credit hours (appriox 25 more than necessary) and a bill for approximately $40,000.00, give or take a few dollars.  Of those approximate 50 classes I sat through, I only needed one (actually about half of that one class); CMT 585: Establishing a Fashion Business.  What makes this class so lucky that I feel it was the only class needed?  We wrote a business plan.  That's it! We spent three months writing a document that was worth 100 points.  At the end of the semester we were told to make an appointment with a lending officer to have them review our plans.  If they told us, "yes, we would most likely give you a loan" - then you passed.  If you were told "no," well, then, I'm sure you can guess the outcome.  Well, I passed and momentum was given to my dream.

What was the other half of that class that I deemed unnecessary?  Well, we did some math stuff... and had some practice job interviews with the career department at the University.  But I didn't need to master the art of job interviews - I was going to be the one doing the interviews if I owned my own business, right?  And I was pretty certain that I was going to marry my boyfriend - who was an Accounting major, so I didn't need to pay too much attention to that math stuff, right?

Right!  Well, to at least to one of those!!  I did marry the accounting major and he has been the most incredible husband in letting me take this risk.  He would much rather I have a nice, steady, secure job which includes great health benefits and a stable 401k (which I had!); but he agreed - reluctantly - to let me pursue my dream.  Don't get me wrong - I took all his wants into account as well.  I found an amazing job with Abercrombie & Fitch right after graduation that was right up my alley, it was so much fun and I was great at it!  (Thank God I paid some attention to the practice interviews!) But I just wasn't satisfied - it wasn't mine!!  So after three years with a company that I was quickly moving up in - I left.  I left a great career to follow my life long dream at the age of 25.  I left a great, stable & secure job in the middle of a global economic melt down!



  1. You are one of the most calculated people I know and more responsible than most people twice your age! I'm so proud of you and all your accomplishments!

  2. WOW is really all I can say. So many do not have the guts to do what you have done and sadly many do not have the supportive husband to back them up. Keep after your dreams and continue to share with others!!


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