Tuesday, August 24, 2010

But your Degree is in Fashion!?

Or as my dad said when I told him what I was doing:  "I thought it was clothes."

Hopefully you've looked at my information by now and have seen that Room 5 specializes in Home Decor.  And hopefully you've read my first post and know that I have a degree in Fashion and my life-long dream (all 26 years long) has been to own a clothing boutique.  So how did I go from an obsession with clothes to a passion for fun, unique but beautiful home decor?  Well, I'll explain:

I could spend days inside a mall. Days.  I could look at everything; put together outfits, accessorize those outfits and top them off with the best trench coat you've ever seen.  But do you know what I would do with those amazingly coordinated expressions of self?  I would own them.  That's right; I would horde them in my closet and look at them daily but never ever wear them outside of my bedroom for fear of ruining them and never being able to wear them ever again.  That is my obsession.  Pretty sick, I know, but it is mine and I claim it.

But I discovered something with Home Fashions.  I don't have to store these items away in my closet to be seen by only me and my husband (as we share a beautiful walk-in closet large enough to handle my 'bursting at the seams' obsession he has to see them too).  I  discovered, for the first time, my passion for home decor with the purchase of our first home.  I mentioned in an earlier post that I had never had the opportunity to discover this about myself.  Living in someone else's home and then in tiny college spaces doesn't give one the opportunity to express one's own creativity with the space around you.

But then, I (we) had our own space!  We could do whatever we wanted, because we wanted, without asking someone else's permission.  It was fantastic!  You want to paint the walls?  Okay!  You want to tear down the wall!?  Sure... why not - but first make sure it won't tear down the house, thereby forcing us to move back into another apartment while the damage is being corrected, and thereby putting us right back in the non-self-expressing position we were just in!

Well, no walls were torn down, but I did get the opportunity to start expressing myself on a larger scale.  And it is a blast!!  Instead of looking for the right pair of shoes that I would never wear, therefore nobody would see, for fear of scuffs or broken heels; I was looking for the right piece of artwork to place over the mantel for everyone who entered our home to see!  It was absolutely fantastic!!!

But our home is far from complete.  The down economy has put a halt to our 'expressing ourselves,' for the moment, at home.  But, Room 5, on the other hand is complete and has been displayed to the world.  I have purple walls (my favorite color!) and hardwood floors and the best lighting ever!!  Since my husband won't let me paint our bedroom purple - I painted my store purple!  And you know what?  He is the one who actually did the painting!  Haha!!  Sucka!  If only he had let me have my way at home, I might have left the walls (the 30ft tall walls, might I add) in the store the beautiful shade of orangy-red that they were.  Really, it was a beautiful color - but it all comes back to that pesky self-expression thing... and not getting my way at home ;)

So, yes.  I have a degree in fashion, but it all trickles down to knowing what you like and being able to show everyone else in a way that helps them understand you.  No matter what medium you choose to use.

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